Thank you to all of my friends for the outpouring of support for my new venture! I started my new company, Essentially Purely™, with the intention of sharing the products God has blessed me to be able to create. They really work, they are fantastic and I am so fortunate to have so many wonderful friends, and family who are Customers, and to have added Customers who feel like friends.
I've been making making my own deodorant for years. I started my search for a natural deodorant about 16 years ago, after my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. The lump was caught in the very early stages and thanks be to God, she is 100% ok. After the surgery and the treatments, she was told not to use commercial deodorants. She was advised to find a natural deodorant that didn't contain aluminum or other harsh chemicals. That really triggered a "WHY?" Response in me. I have always been that person who needs to know why? When I found out how some of the chemicals in our deodorants can negatively affect our health, I was appalled. That is probably the root of why I have been so persistent in my search for natural/organic things for my family and myself. How can the FDA approve such things to be used, when they know what kinds of awful side effects they can cause. Serious problems, such as cancer!!!! It's not ok. A couple of examples:
Aluminum Chlorhydrate is found in most antiperspirants, it is used to close the pores. Doctors have found links to that and Alzheimer's disease as well as breast cancer and other illnesses. (Check out article:
Triclosan is an endocrin blocker, it's found in deodorants, toothpaste, anti-bacterial soaps, soaps, shampoos, it's bad but it's FDA approved for you to rub on your body, and use in your mouth. Here is an excerpt from a great artical on the dangers of the ingredients in commercial deodorants.
Triclosan is an artificial antimicrobial chemical used to kill bacteria on the skin and other surfaces. Triclosan is a skin irritant and may cause contact dermatitis. Recent studies suggest this chemical may disrupt thyroid function and other critical hormone systems. The American Medical Association recommends that triclosan and other “antibacterial” products not be used in the home, as they may encourage bacterial resistance to antibiotics that can allow resistant strains to flourish." (
I could go on and on and on! Please take time to take ownership of your health and look up what the chemicals in the products, you use everyday, are capable of doing to your body. With that said, make sure when you find something natural/organic that you do your research on that. Everything that claims to be natural, may be labeled natural because the FDA says it was, at one point, from nature. For example, Artificial Vanilla Flavoring. How can that be labeled natural and have the word artificial in it? Here's an excerpt of an artical from Dr. Mercola (
"Anal secretions from beavers, which beavers use to mark their territory, smell, ironically, like vanilla. These secretions, called castoreum, may be used as vanilla flavoring in baked goods, pudding, chewing gum and more.1
Here's the rub … you certainly won't see 'beaver anal secretions' on your food labels, and you probably won't see 'castoreum' either. All that has to be listed is vanilla natural flavor, because, after all, beaver anal secretions are natural.
It's clearly absurd that food manufacturers can describe secretions from beaver anal glands as natural vanilla flavor. This isn't a huge health issue, especially because beavers are not a bred animal, and the total consumption of castoreum is thought to be around just 250 pounds a year.2"
(Refer to the article link above to see the references used)
So, this is an example of how deceptive the FDA approved ingredients can be. I don't think they use Beavers Anal secretions that much anymore, since I'm sure they have found a slew of chemicals to mimic the taste. My question to YOU (yes you), why not make your own? I can tell you how. And you can use it over, over and over again.
Pure Vanilla Extract:
2-3 Vanilla Beans (you can order them organic, or not, on the web)
A clean, empty glass bottle with a lid
a small bottle of vodka, rum, or any liquor that doesn't have a strong taste.
Slice the beans on a cutting board and drop into the bottle
Pour in the vodka/rum/ To cover the beans.
Seal tightly
Place in a cool dark place for about 6 months
After each use, refill and shake. Store in dark, cool place, like your cabinets.
Bam. Pure Vanilla extract.
Don't worry about the liquor, it gets burned off when you cook or bake with it. Doesn't add a liquor flavor if you chose one that doesn't really have a strong flavor.
As you can see there are many reasons we should know and understand exactly what is in our beauty products, as well as, our food. I do a lot of research to find out what organic and truly natural products, can benefit us and be used in my deodorants and body care products. I try each of them on myself and then I have friends, who try to them as well. I hope you all enjoy my products as much as we do. I will be using this blog for both "Hey Paw™" recipes and for "Essentially Purely™" blog posts.
Thanks ever so much for your support. Please visit and give us a try. I'm sure you will be so happy you will keep coming back again and again!
Remember! Take ownership of your health!
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